
Evil tankie and Stalin’s little spoon

Dm for takes not approved by the FBI

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • TL;DR as the Otoman Empire fell apart Britain took control of Palestine, then the British PM was convinced by the Zionist cause and announced the intent to create a Jewish state (the Balfour Declaration). Post ww2, large numbers of European Jews decided to emigrate (for what should be obvious reasons) and the natural destination was the mandate of Palestine. 1948, Britain is making good on its promise and decides to split Palestine into an explicitly Muslim state (Palestine) and a Jewish one (Isreal), because that would surely end well.

  • I tell them bluntly that only a couple dems have won my vote in the past decade, when they protest I bring up

    Police reform (Biden: “fund the police”)

    Abortion (Obama promised to enshrine it in law, 111th congress dems had a supermajority, did nothing)

    Supreme Court seats (at any point when the dems had the majority they could have forced it, instead we have today’s bullshit)

    Formerly student debt forgiveness (Bidens limp attemps have satisfied most of my lib friends)

    Federal Marijuana Legalization (rescheduling Marijuana can be done any day by the president*)

    Foreign policy failures (Iraq [Bush but dems supported], Libiya, Syria, Bolivia [Trump but dems supported], Yemen, Cuba)

    Drone strikes/Whistleblowers

    Capitulation towards republican tax ratcheting

    General tendency towards bipartisanship, thereby stopping actual reform (looking at you ACA)