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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • Barbarossa. It’s Operation Barbarossa. And again, you continue to ignore the political reality that at least two giant constituencies in the US had very good reasons for not wanting to get into the European war. In a democracy, their views could not be ignored, no matter what others may have thought was the right thing to do. As I constantly find myself repeating to people on lemmy, winning an election doesn’t mean that you get to do anything you want, it means that you can probably do some of the things you want and will have to compromise on others.

  • Bullshit. The pro-Nazi elements in the US were never anywhere close to being a majority and were never close to implementing pro-Nazi policies. At worst, the US government was guilty of remaining neutral and continuing to do business with Nazi Germany, but that’s a far cry from supporting the Nazis. This is pure revisionist tripe.

    It’s also worth mentioning that at that time the two largest ethnicities in the US were Irish and German immigrants or their immediate descendants. With the famine still in living memory and Irish independence still relatively recent, Irish-Americans were very leery of joining the war on the side of the UK, while German-Americans obviously weren’t necessarily keen on fighting the country from which they’d immigrated. These two constituencies were far too important to be ignored politically, and that’s a huge part of why it took the attack at Pearl Harbor for the US to do the right thing.

  • Honest question; what incentive would the IDF have to knowingly kill escaped Israeli hostages? To me it only makes sense as a case of being far too willing to shoot first and ask questions later. That’s a problem, especially in such a dense urban environment, but it still is “accidental friendly fire” and not deliberate premeditated murder as your comment suggests.

    The flipside is that we imagine that they knew the 3 Israeli hostages were trying to get back to friendly forces and decided to kill them anyway for… reasons, I guess? Nevermind that it’s hell on morale and obviously a PR disaster.

    I don’t know, I just can’t make this pencil out as anything other than a tragic fuckup born of terrible discipline. If it tells us anything, it’s that the IDF are obviously trigger happy and not being at all careful, but again, that’s very different from the narrative being pushed by most people in this thread.