So what I mean with my question is that I’m looking for ways to manage my energy without working out. Recently office work is physically getting harder for me as I just feel done with sitting all day. Today I’d swear that I could feel my muscles screaming, wanting to be used lol. Luckily I had a workout planned today.

But I can’t workout every single day. I need to find ways to stay more active and to let out more energy, but I don’t really now how.

  • diegeticscream[all]🔻
    7 months ago

    I get pretty fidget-y throughout my work day, but I’m not sure I’m on the same level. How’s your caffeine intake? I get pretty bad when I drink a lot of coffee or whatever.

    I think you can definitely work out every day, if you loosen your definition of what a work out is. A 20 minute walk during lunch, or a superset of pushups/pullups/ab wheel/band pullaparts is totally doable in a few minutes.

    Idk if that’s particularly helpful. Good luck!

    • DankZedong @lemmygrad.mlOPM
      7 months ago

      Now that I think about it, I did have an extra coffee today. But still, other days are sort of the same.

      And indeed, I do not always consider walking to work as a workout. Maybe I should find ways to walk throughout the day.

  • bubbalu [they/them]
    7 months ago

    I had to quit office work for this reason. Now I work in education and get to pace moderately or stand all day and its been a lot better for me energetically. Had that ‘Big dog in a little apartment’ feeling.

    7 months ago

    I have this issue where I will get super antsy by the end of my shift and just HAVE to hop off my PC, I work from home, and literally the SECOND I walk away and am free… I just crash and I’m laying on the floor in my office and loose all motivation. Like it’s mentally exhausting and when I’m free my mind just wants to not think or do anything. Some days I just zone out and stair at the ceiling for a while. Or turn on a TV show I have seen a half dozen times just to have something mind jumping to act as background. My body will have energy, but my mind loses all drive to focus on anything. I think stress is a big factor but I have just been stuck in this rut. I recently started physical therapy for my back and hip that’s been messed up for months now. I spend 2 hours a night there 2-3 nights a week and on off night I always plan to do some of the stretches at home but then I just… Don’t.

  • 中国共产党万岁
    7 months ago

    I’m not sure this is what you’re looking for, but in my experience, diet plays a huge role in your mental state. If you give your body good fuel (primarily vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts) then it will reward you for it. I have also found that tea and matcha give me more consistent, spread-out energy throughout the day versus coffee. You should also condsider planning around your circadian rhythm - it’s no joke. Your energy should feel very different throughout a 24 hour period. Mostly that means your energy peaks when you first see sunlight and eat and then trails off throughout the day until you sleep. That reminds me: setting your circadian rhythm is important too. It turns out your body has two clocks: one in your brain that’s absolute set based on morning sunlight exposure and 1 set within your other tissues relative to the former based on when you start your metabolism i.e. have breakfast. You should try to set both to when you wake up to have greater energy. You live at a higher latitude, no? I’d imagine the solar cycle situation is messing with you this time of year. Consider using technology (SAD light and D3 supplements) to correct this issue as well. Best of luck comrade! I hope this helps

    7 months ago

    Do you stretch? This helps me a little psychologically to calm me down. Realizing my muscles and tendons are shortening because Im sitting for hours gives me anxiety so I have to stretch the right muscles (largely hamstrings and hip flexors) to prevent that. Helps too that it will get your blood moving a bit especially if you are a bit more dynamic with the stretching.