• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • Yes and it specified hospitals as not being a target.

    ## Article 19

    The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.

    The fact that sick or wounded members of the armed forces are nursed in these hospitals, or the presence of small arms and ammunition taken from such combatants which have not yet been handed to the proper service, shall not be considered to be acts harmful to the enemy.

    Like that section is there. It’s available for the reading. You don’t have to lie about it like it’s some sort of blanket protection. Israel gives warnings before it bombs these locations.

    The Geneva convention also required to minimise civilian casualties. That is not happening.

    This is objectively untrue. Gaza isn’t big; you could kill 50% of the population with a WW2-era artillery bombardment. Israel is using expensive munitions; creating safe zones for civilians to evacuate to and phoning civilians before bombing dual-use locations in addition to roof knocking. If this was the Russians there’d be 200k dead Gazans right now.

  • Because they kept firing rockets. 2008

    During the initial week of the ceasefire, Islamic Jihad militants fired rockets on Israel. Under pressure from Hamas, Islamic Jihad had agreed to abide by the temporary truce, which was meant to apply only to Gaza, but had balked at the idea of not responding to Israeli military actions in the West Bank. The New York Times reported that the Islamic Jihad action broke the Hamas-Israeli Gaza truce.[3] During the next 5 months of the ceasefire, Gazan attacks decreased significantly for a total of 19 rocket and 18 mortar shell launchings,[3][4] compared to 1199 rockets and 1072 mortar shells in 2008 up to 19 June, a reduction of 98%.[5]

    Pretty sure. A similar thing happened in 2013 too.

  • Re: they. If you don’t see the nuance between the different options I offered, perhaps you need to research mor

    I’m always down to rewatch diehard. But what version of it spans two decades again? Is that the director’s cut?

    Once again, the hospitals in Gaza are not military depots.

    This war has definitively proven this to be a false statement. Please re-evaluate your position based on updated data.

    Abandoning a whole nation of people as there are terrorists among them is an easy way to abandon all apolitical medical help. They could not operate anywhere.

    Emphasis mine. This is objectively untrue. There are many impoverished places on the planet that will not use a hospital as a weapons depot. In fact, the majority of impoverished places that need doctors without borders are willing to do this.